Within the RISEnergy project network, Virtual Access (VA) to Research Infrastructure (RI) services are provided by three consortium partners:
- AIT EnergySim Lab
- RWTH Vlab
These services, which include simulation tools and databases for renewable energy technologies, are provided “as-a-service” and are made freely available to industrial and academic researchers through the project website here.
No specific application forms or proposal submission is requested for VA.
Key Principles
The core VA principles in RISEnergy are as follows:
- The provided virtual data, services, and resources are, wherever possible, openly and freely accessible under open access licenses. These resources are available through communication networks, in this case, the project website.
- The VA scheme allows for fast, easy, and casual access to existing virtual resources by removing administrative barriers. Notably, no user selection process is required. Access is granted through web-based interfaces, which may require a user login to utilise the services offered.
- Users can try the provided virtual services without obligations.
- In most cases, individual supervision is not offered to users. However direct contact information is available for each virtual service.
Access Procedure
To start, potential users select the relevant virtual service on the RISEnergy website, which serves as the main entry point for VA and provides a list of all available services.
By selecting a specific service, users are redirected to the VA facility itself where they can immediately begin utilising the virtual services. In case of potential questions, users can get in direct contact with the VA service provider.
Additionally, VA may or may not require user identification. This can be managed through a user login system and automated verification methods to prevent service abuse. The need for user identification depends on the policies of the respective RI access providers.
If the results are being published, users should acknowledge the use of the related RISEnergy VA service.
Single Sign-on System
Certain VA facilities may require users to register and authenticate themselves with a username and password. This process is crucial for linking a user to their account, which may include ongoing project files or results on the provider’s infrastructure. User logins also serve as a measure to prevent the abuse or misuse of the infrastructure. RISEnergy has opted to offer a common Identity Provider (IdP) for the VA facilities AIT EnergySim Lab and RWTH Vlab.
Virtual Research Infrastructures
The RISEnergy project offers free access to virtual data and services through its virtual access (VA) programme, enabling industrial and academic researchers to utilise the following virtual infrastructures:
AIT EnergySim Lab
Vienna, Austria
The AIT EnergySim lab provides a comprehensive computing cluster infrastructure with different simulation tools for analysing complex smart grid and smart energy systems scenarios. This virtual infrastructure provides an environment for co-simulation based on the FMI++ Python Interface, which has been specifically designed to support the features offered by the FMI specification. Together with Jupyter Lab, this environment provides a flexible platform that allows for the configuration and execution of co-simulation setups in an effective way. This platform is made available to virtual access users via a web interface to reduce the time for the creation and setting up of complex co-simulation scenarios.
Services currently offered by the infrastructure:
- As part of the RISEnergy VA infrastructure, AIT provides a web-based co-simulation environment for analysing different aspects of smart energy systems, real-time and co-simulation of smart energy systems, and FMI-compliant simulations.
Support offered under this proposal:
- With more than 250 experts from science and engineering, the AIT Center for Energy offers innovative and applied research services to customers and partners such as industrial companies, energy suppliers, technology providers, cities, municipalities and research institutions.
Extraordinary scientific aspects and possibilities of the infrastructure not available through other infrastructures:
- This virtual infrastructure was already accessible in the context of the EU project ERIGrid 2.0 (H2020). Several VA users have been supported so far by AIT through thisaforementioned RI project.
Aachen, Germany
RWTH provides a web-based simulation platform integrating existing simulation tools for providing Simulation-as-a-Service (SaaS) to a broader audience. This platform is built upon JupyterHub and integrates tools such as DPsim, a real-time capable solver operating in static & dynamic phasor (DP) and EMT domains and VILLAS, a flexible gateway for co-simulation interface data.
Services currently offered by the infrastructure:
- Web-based simulation of electric power systems (Electro Magnetic Transient (EMT) simulation;
- Dynamic Phasor (DP) simulation;
- Static Phasor/Load flow (SP) simulation) and scriptable scenarios using Python;
- Web-based and graphical editing and preview for CIM network topologies, as well as their export;
- Web platform for online management of lab experiments and simulations.
Support offered under this proposal:
- Users will get exposed to a vibrant, scientific environment performing cutting-edge research at the border of modern power systems and advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), providing an interdisciplinary research experience in the area of modern smart grids, supported by a state-of-the-art laboratory facility. RWTH researchers will guide the visitor regarding the use of the available assets.
Extraordinary scientific aspects and possibilities of the infrastructure not available through other infrastructures:
- The offered simulation suite composed of DPsim, such VILLASframework, is a unique development of RWTH. Though available as open source, the user benefits from the developers’ expertise.
Jülich, Germany
Web site address: Available on meta quest (contact us).
The energy materials analytics and mixed reality visualisation, designed and developed at FZJ-IEK-13, is an integrated mixed reality data visualisation platform with capabilities in modelling, simulation and testing data acquisition, data augmentation and data visualisation. It is currently specialised for hydrogen and fuel cell testing data, analysis of performance data and connecting to materials acceleration platforms and robotics labs for ink and catalyst-coated membrane preparations. The virtual environment is also supported by tools and data for creating digital twins at the cell and stack levels of production.
Services currently offered by the infrastructure:
- Immersive big-data visualisation at cell and stack level;
- Data augmentation for remote lab access;
- Digital twins;
- Integration to self-driving labs and automated orchestration software and full visualisation of the data.
Support offered under the RISEnergy project:
- Working with unique facilities for training purposes;
- High-quality data visualisation and testing of physical models;
- Supporting immersive experience to remotely run and orchestrate self-driving labs for fabrication of components and cells for electrolysers and fuel cells.
Extraordinary scientific aspects and possibilities of the infrastructure not available through other infrastructures:
- The only end-to-end software and data visualisation mixed reality environment which has already deployed an immersive XR facility dedicated to H2 technologies.