The consortium of RISEnergy is composed of all members involved in the project from research, academia and industry. These members contribute by offering access to their research infrastructures (RIs), actively participating in the project’s implementation, or both.
The extensive RISEnergy consortium is composed of 69 organisations from 22 countries, including 17 full partners, 37 affiliated entities, and 15 subcontractors. Additionally, full partners hold specific responsibilities in various aspects of the project’s management and its bodies.
At the heart of the consortium’s management structure is the General Assembly (GA), the project’s primary decision-making body. The GA consists of one representative from each of the 17 full participants of the consortium. It is tasked with supervising and evaluating any proposed modifications to the project’s activities, approving budget-related matters, and overseeing periodic reporting to the European Commission. Additionally, the GA resolves any issues that arise during the project and makes final decisions based on recommendations from the Advisory Board.
The GA interacts with other bodies, including the Selection Panel and the extended network of other research infrastructure projects and initiatives, forming the comprehensive RISEnergy ecosystem.
Management structure of RISEnergy (PV: photovoltaics, CSP/STE: concentrated solar power/solar thermal energy, Hy: hydrogen, Bio: biofuels, OW: offshore wind, OE: ocean energy, IG: integrated grids, ES: energy storage, ICT: information and communication)
RISEnergy counts on 17 full partners, each bringing significant expertise in renewable energy technologies from industry, academia and research organisations. They contribute their extensive knowledge and skills to the project and, where applicable, their top-tier infrastructures as well.
Most of the partners and beneficiaries are European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) landmarks, such as EU-SOLARIS and ECCSEL, as well as members of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), DERlab and prestigious national institutions like KIT, CNR, ENEA and CEA. The RISEnergy consortium members have a long history of cooperation, having established over the years the foundation of a European energy ecosystem.
RISEnergy aims to leverage the exceptional research capabilities of each participant, creating a strengthened network focused on implementation. By integrating new activities, services, and research infrastructures into a single operational entity, the consortium is poised to drive innovation in the energy sector.
Geographical distribution of RISEnergy beneficiaries
The RISEnergy full-participants partners are listed below:
Commissariat á l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives – CEA (FR)
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas – CIEMAT (ES)
European Distributed Energy Resources Laboratories e.V. – DERlab (DE)
ECCSEL European Research Infrastructure Consortium – ECCSEL (NO)
Alliance Européenne de Recherche dans le Domaine de l’Énergie – EERA (BE)
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile – ENEA (IT)
European Solar Research Infrastructure for Concentrated Solar Power – EU-SOLARIS (ES)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek – TNO (NL)
University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork – UCC (IE)
Additional RISEnergy members act as affiliated entities, providing their research infrastructures for both transnational and virtual access activities.
RISEnergy features a selection of the best European and international research facilities in the fields of Photovoltaics (PV), Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)/Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Hydrogen, Biofuels, Wind Energy, Ocean Energy, Integrated Grids and Energy Storage, as well as Materials Research and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
The following list includes all RISEnergy affiliated entities:
Erevnitiko Panepistimiako Institouto Systimaton Epikoinonion Kai Ypologiston – ICCS (GR)
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen – RWTH (DE)
Sicieta Tecnologie Avanzate Low Carbon – Societa per Azioni – SOTACARBO (IT)
Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems – IEES (BG)
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving Foundation – CRES (EL)
Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappeljk Onderzoek Instituten – DIFFER (NL)
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung Angewandten Forschung e.V. – Fraunhofer (DE)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH – HZB (DE)
Fundacio Institute de Recerca de l’Energia de Catalunya – IREC (ES)
Norges Teknisk – Naturvitenskapelige Universitet – NTNU (NO)
Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu – TUBITAK (TR)
Alma Mater Studiorum- Universita di Bologna – UNIBologna (IT)
Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza – UNILaSapienza (IT)