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Discover the RISEnergy ecosystem in figures

The RISEnergy, Research Infrastructure Services for Renewable Energy, project aims to create an…

New job opening: RISEnergy is hiring a Research Assistant to support in communicating and coordinating with partners

As part of the coordination team for the EU project Research Infrastructure Services for Renewable…

Stay connected with the latest updates from RISEnergy through its new LinkedIn page

RISEnergy has recently launched its new LinkedIn page. As this EU-funded project works towards…

Key insights from the RISEnergy kick-off meeting

On 12 and 13 March 2024, RISEnergy (Research Infrastructure Services for Renewable Energy) held its…

Upcoming Events

RISEnergy Research Infrastructure Automation Workshop

Following a successful project launch in March, the main engagement and networking activities for…

Research Infrastructure Services for Renewable Energy

RISEnergy aims at initiating a long-term, coordinated research effort among leading private companies and research institutions with common expertise related to energy technologies to identify and promote ways to scale up technologies within the EU.

Free-of-charge Transnational and Virtual Access

RISEnergy offers you access to world leading research infrastructure in which you can carry out your research free of cost. Explore the application process and the costs covered by our Transnational Access (TA) programme. 

Research Infrastructure Platform

RISEnergy Research Infrastructure Platform allows researchers to find out more details about our research infrastructure installations and select laboratories suitable for their experiments. 

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