University Perugia – Electrical Energy Storage and Hydrogen
TA55 – UNIPerugia-e-StorHy
via G. Duranti 93
06125 Perugia,
The Electrical energy Storage and Hydrogen Lab (e-StorHy Lab) consists of two sections:
Energy storage, which includes test rigs and equipment for:
Metals steam oxidation (powder loaded in the dg order) up to 900°C for hydrogen (and heat) production.
Experimental activity on catalytic processes (SE-SMR, e.g., syngas applications with in-situ CO2 capture; dry reforming, e.g., biogas, CO2 sorbing. Sample amount up to 100 g, T up to 900°C, p up to 10 bar.
Open (single cell, short-stack) and closed batteries performance analysis and aging tests.
Fuel cells and electrolyzers. It includes:
1 SOFC/SOE/rSOC short-stack test bench;
1 SOFC button cell test bench (alumina housing);
2 SOFC/SOE/rSOC square single-cell test benches (steel housing)
The e-StorHy Lab is equipped with of a gas distribution plant, facilities for data control and saving, gas chromatography, impedance analyzer, gas and H2O controllers, temperature control systems, current control systems, systems of pressure measurement, and desulphurization systems. Since January 2004 the laboratory is certified UNI EN ISO 9001.
The installations offered to external users within RISEnergy project are:
1 test bench for reactive metals steam oxidation (powder loaded in the g order) up to 900°C for hydrogen (and heat) production. Also a larger test bench for experimental activity on catalytic processes is offered.
1 test bench for SOFC single cell fully equipped for tests of degradation effects.
Testing Capabilities
The installations offered to external users within RISEnergy project are:
1 test bench for reactive metals steam oxidation (powder loaded in the g order) up to 900°C for hydrogen (and heat) production. Also a larger test bench for experimental activity on catalytic processes is offered.
1 test bench for SOFC single cell fully equipped for tests of degradation effects.
Consequently, the support offered within the RISEnergy project consists in:
Installations at points a) will allow to investigate and optimize the steam oxidation process (at temperatures up to about 900°C) of reactive metals, when exploited as energy storage media and carriers. Reactive metals are characterized by extremely high volumetric energy densities and circularity (e.g., Al is a non-critical, non-toxic, and widely available material, characterized by a volumetric energy density of 23.5 kWh/L, i.e., 10-fold liquefied H2 and Round-Trip Efficiencies competitive or even higher than H2-based storage applications[1]), making them perfect as new carriers for electrical mid- and long-term energy storage complementary to H2.
The installation at point b) will allow complementing the investigation on hydrogen production via reactive metals steam oxidation with its use in high-temperature fuel cells to optimize the reactive metal conversion integrated system (discharge phase).
Further tests can be performed at e-StorHy Lab, specifically experimental activities related to performance and degradation analysis of battery cells and solid oxide single cells (also in reversible mode). Tests are designed to provide the experimental analysis in reference to the operation conditions typical of specific integration modes of the energy storage device. Also, comparative analysis provided considering single technology installations and its integration in hybrid energy storage systems are performed, to assess the positive effect of hybridization on lifespan of energy storage devices.
[1] M. Baumann, L. Barelli, S. Passerini, Adv. Energy Mater. 2020, 202001002
Technical Equipment
The e-StorHy lab is equipped with test rigs described above.
It is highlighted as equipment detailed below is available too @ e-StorHy lab:
1 potentiostat/galvanostat Biologic SP240 - EIS measurements (10μHz to 7MHz).
1 potentiostat/galvanostat Biologic SP300 - EIS measurements (10μHz to 7MHz)
1 HCV-3048 (48V/30A) for VRFB short-stack tests.
1 Grid Simulator ITECH mod IT79175P-350-450, power 75kW. Composed by 1 Master unit 350V/90A/15kVA (Itech IT7915P-350-90) + 4 slave units 350V/90A/15kVA (Itech IT7915P-350-90-S)
Additional information
Technology Readiness Level: 4-6
Special considerations: N/A
Technology clusters: Energy Storage
Availability: All the year
Provision of tools to prepare data sets in a FAIR way: Yes