Évora Molten Salt Platform, PECS – Solar Concentrators and SolGrid Testing Platforms
TA72 – UNIEvora-REC
Nossa Senhora da Toureg
7000-083 Évora, Portugal
Located in the heart of the region in Portugal with the highest direct normal irradiation (DNI), UEVORA-REC develops research along the main vectors defining the role of solar energy technologies as a solution for the Energy Transition: PV or CSP power generation; thermal or electrical energy storage; solar energy for energy supply to Industry and Agriculture; solar resource and Energy system integration strategies. The infrastructure presents unique conditions for the testing and validation of novel concepts. In particular, the Évora Molten Salt Platform (http://www.emsp.uevora.pt) has unique conditions for the testing of solar concentrators with molten salts both as HTF and storage media, targeting electricity production as well as process heat or even thermochemical processes via pyrolysis/gasification of biomass.
- The Évora Molten Salt Platform (EMSP) is dedicated to the development of applied research in molten salt-driven CSP, SHIP and thermal energy storage components, systems and technologies. Is jointly managed and operated by the Renewable Energies Chair of the University of Évora and the German Aerospace Center (DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt).
- Solar Concentrators Testing Platform (PECS) aims to test and measure the performance of solar concentrator modules designed for medium-temperature solar energy conversion.
- SolGrid Testing Platform aims to test and characterize full-scale electrical energy storage systems, photovoltaic systems with grid integration and energy management.
Services offered by the infrastructure:
a) testing of solar concentrators with thermal oil and molten salts;
b) R&D in solar concentrated driven systems modelling;
c) Solar Thermal energy storage; d) Direct normal radiation measurement and statistics; e) Agricultural water and solar energy research through novel applications of PV end modern irrigation;
f) Solar collectors for wastewater treatment.
Support offered under this proposal: The UEVORA-REC has a team of +20 persons (researchers, technicians, administrative) highly trained and capable to provide support in all activities that take place in the infrastructure. Several campaigns of access already took place (Transnational Access programmes, joint campaigns, etc.) demonstrating the ability of the team to give the necessary support. Extraordinary scientific aspects/possibilities of the infrastructure not available at other infrastructures:
1) High DNI values;
2) scientific and administrative support/background from the University of Évora;
3) Possibility of local demo- pilots
Testing Capabilities
Services Offered for Testing/Experiments:
- Évora Molten Salt Platform (EMSP):
- Characterization of molten salt mixtures' thermal properties.
- Cycling characterization of molten salt mixtures as Heat Storage Medium (HSM) and Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF).
- Solar Concentrators Testing Platform (PECS):
- Testing new components.
- Experimentally determining the parameters of optical and thermal characterization of solar concentrator modules.
- SolGrid Testing Platform:
- Testing and characterization of full-scale electrical energy storage systems.
- Evaluation of photovoltaic systems with grid integration.
- Energy management testing and optimization.
Technical Equipment
- The Évora Molten Salt Platform (EMSP):
- HelioTrough Parabolic Trough Collector Solar loop,
- Advanced Linear Fresnel Reflector (ALFR-Alentejo),
- HPS2 Two-tank molten salts thermal energy storage,
- NewSOL Thermocline thermal energy storage tank.
- Solar Concentrators Testing Platform (PECS):
- Two Axis Testing Platform: A mobile platform (13 x 18 m²) with main components of the hydraulic circuit (boiler, circulation pump, regulating valves, instrumentation, and safety), Circuit cooling system and Control.
- SolGrid Testing Platform:
- PV Technologies: Photovoltaic System with Solar Tracking on an Axis, connected to the Microgrid.
- Battery Technologies: Vanadium Redox Flow Battery, Sodium-Nickel Chloride Battery, Lithium-Ion Battery, Second-Life Lithium-Ion Battery (portable and stationary), Smart Lamp Post with Charging for electric vehicles, Flow Battery testing software developed in-house and Hybrid Carbon Based Supercapacitors.
Additional information
Technology Readiness Level: 7 or above
Special considerations: N/A
Technology clusters: CSP/STE, Energy Storage, PV
Website: https://www.catedraer.uevora.pt/
Availability: All the year
Provision of tools to prepare data sets in a FAIR way: Yes