Center for the Environment, Energy, and Sea – University of Bologna – ZEROCARBON



Viale Ciro Menotti, 48 

48122 Marina di Ravenna (Ravenna), Italy


Located at CRAEM Center for the Environment, Energy, and Sea  under the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research in Renewable Resources, Environment, Sea and Energy (CIRI-FRAME) of  University of Bologna, ZEROCARBON (Carbon recovery, regeneration and recycling technologies for the production of advanced materials and the energy transition) brings together interdisciplinary skills, including materials science, chemistry, mechanical and chemical engineering, by the following laboratories for low-carbon foot print technologies for the production of advanced materials and the energy transition:

FIP-WE@UNIBO: Lab on Waste Valorisation and Future Energy Supply (Prof. Andrea Contin, https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/andrea.contin).

 Enercube Lab: Knowledge transfer in electrochemical energy storage/conversion technologies (Prof. Francesca Soavi, https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/francesca.soavi)

 HC-hub-ER: Lab on Hydrogen and Carbon use from Renewables Energy (Prof. Valerio Cozzani, https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/valerio.cozzani)


Testing Capabilities

FIP-WE@UNIBO: transformation of residual biomasses for energy purposes and production of functionalized carbons for effluent treatments with recovery of nutrients and critical materials, and for carbon sequestration

 Enercube Lab: electrode and full cell manufacturing and tests for  batteries and supercapacitors, fuel cells.

 HC-hub-ER: rapid scale-up of processes addressing carbon capture and utilization (under setting)


Technical Equipment

FIP-WE@UNIBO: TRL-4 pyrolizer and instrumentation for the chemical and physical characterisation of bio-fuels and carbons from pyrolysis

 Enercube Lab: main facilities for electrochemical studies of cells and components of batteries and supercapacitors, fuel cells, inert environments (Drybox, Dry room, potentiosat/galvanostat, roll-to-roll coater)

 HC-hub-ER: rapid scale-up of processes addressing carbon capture and utilization(under setting)

Additional information

Technology Readiness Level: 4-6

Special considerations: N/A 

Technology clusters: Biofuels, Energy Storage, Hydrogen, Others

Website: https://tecnopolo.ravenna.it/centro-ricerca-energia-ambiente-e-mare/

Availability: All the year except August and December

Provision of tools to prepare data sets in a FAIR way:  Yes 


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