RISEnergy is made up of five core work packages that come together to drive forward the project’s efforts in accelerating renewable energy innovation. Each of these project sections has a dedicated leader who works to ensure that the key objectives of RISEnergy are efficiently coordinated and implemented.
From September to November 2024, the RISEnergy team centred the focus on its expert work package leaders with a social media campaign conducted through the project’s LinkedIn page. Each post delved into one of the five work packages, exploring how its efforts and notably its leader contribute to the overall success of the project.
In this light, RISEnergy’s first work package is skilfully led by EERA Senior Project Manager Mónica de Juan González, who guides the project’s work in both building an energy research infrastructure ecosystem and maximising the potential of the project’s network.
Moreover, KIT Senior Scientist and Project Manager Olga Sumińska-Ebersoldt heads work package 2, focusing on ensuring access to an extensive network of state-of-the-art scientific infrastructures for industrial and academic researchers.
Creating cross-cutting research infrastructure services to ensure more effective renewable energy systems is the core aim of the project’s third work stream, notably led by Mike Hayes, Head of Group, ICT for Energy Efficiency at Tyndall-UCC, while the fourth work package, helmed by Director of EPL Technology Frontiers Ltd Venizelos Efthymiou, is all about advancing technology development and maximising synergies between renewable energy sectors through innovative collaboration.
Finally, KIT Senior Research Manager and Business Developer Myriam E. Gil Bardají leads the fifth and final RISEnergy work package, dedicating her efforts to ensuring the effective technical coordination and administrative management of the project, as well as the timely promotion of the project’s services to key research communities and industry players.
To stay up to date with all the further developments and activities related to RISEnergy, follow the project’s LinkedIn page here.
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